Level 12, 37 York street, SYDNEY, NSW, 2000
T: +61 402 456 027 engage@demandflow.com.au
Meet the Directors
Andy Kyiet
CEO and Head Geologist
Are you responsible for Marketing or Sales in a B2B business that sells products or solutions for over $50,000?
In that case, I’d love to connect with you. Looking for prospects in the high-value market is no easy job. In fact, it’s like looking for Orang-utans – they are fairly scarce, pretty timid and only live in certain jungles. Simply finding a jungle and being surrounded by trees and apes can be a costly delusion.
Known in the industry as “The Orang-utan Whisperer”, I help my clients to find their particular Orang-utans at the lowest possible cost. My background is:
• Helping businesses with high value offerings to find their market – finding the right jungle!
• Stratifying the market as to identify the best fit with their ideal client profile – find the right trees!
• Engaging those ideal targets and creating interest – speak the right language!
• Qualifying, tracking and nurturing prospects – don’t let them get away!
I thrive on a challenge and my corporate battle-cry is “Give us the tough stuff!”.
Prior to launching Demand Flow Intelligence in 2001, my background was running ventures that provided high-value technology solutions. My key frustration was a lack of affordable market intelligence that would enable me to do smarter marketing. My aim in founding Demand Flow Intelligence was to provide smarter marketing services around a base of deep market experience and acquired intelligence.
In working with me and my organisation, we will always achieve the best result that the market is able to yield at the time. This not only delivers leads at the best acquisition cost but also gives you great Market insight for the future.
Laurence V Harould
COO and Mine Manager
I've been working in IT and business operations for decades.
My past clients have included Ansett Airlines (that proves how long I've been in this business!), City of Sydney Council, She Business, NSW Department of Education and many others.
My key responsibility is to keep our delivery mechanism well oiled and delivering the results that you need.
Clear and frequent bi-directional communication to both you and our people at the coal-face, is essential.
I pride myself on designing and implementing intuitive, re-usable solutions that will deliver results fast and consistently.
Known as the Father of DAVE (Data Accuracy Verification Engine), I have created a Data Robot that will clean up your data without complaining and being nagged. DAVE is the ultimate data nerd. My ambition for DAVE is that one day he might meet a nice girl, settle down and produce applets. I live in hope!
To continue the mining analogy, DAVE is the tool we've developed to help mine and refine the nuggets in your marketing data.
As well as nurturing DAVE my other job is to make sure the mine runs smoothly so that you get the highest return on your investment that's possible.