Level 12, 37 York street, SYDNEY, NSW, 2000
T: +61 402 456 027 engage@demandflow.com.au
The History of Demand Flow Intelligence
Demand Flow Intelligence (DFI) was founded in 2001, by Andy Kyiet, with the aim of providing affordable market intelligence to locally operating organisations – think of a mini-Gartner focussing specifically on the ANZ market. This vision was, and still is, to provide vendors of high-value products and services with the knowledge of the size and location of their target market and to provide this service within the budget of local players.
Since then, DFI has extended its offerings to include demand generation, marketing automation and marketing data leadership and has worked with organisations across a wide range of industrial sectors including, but not limited to; IT, engineering, logistics, financial services, medical and more.
In 2017 DFI expanded its operations to Tasmania and is offering its services to Tasmanian organisations seeking expansion in the mainland market.